Soap treating solid wood

One of my favorite surface treatments for light wood types is soap finishing.
It is a good way of preserving the light nuances of the wood, while giving an attractive matte look.

When treating with soap, it’s important to allow plenty of time so that the wood absorbs as much soap as possible.

Mix 1/2 dl of soap flakes with 1 L of boiling water and set it aside to cool.

When the soap mix has cooled, apply it to the wood using a sponge.
Here, it ‘s important to apply an even layer to the entire surface and remove any excess soap, as it may leave blotches.
After around 10 minutes, dip a cloth into the soap mixture, wring it out well and wipe the wood to remove any excess soap.
Then leave the wood to dry.
Repeat the above process as required.

For best results, treat untreated surfaces regularly. I recommend twice a week for the first three months, then once a month. To maintain a surface, one treatment every six months is sufficient – depending on use – a floor should be treated more often than a table.
For daily floor cleaning, dissolve 1 dl of soap flakes in around 5 L of hot water. We recommend waiting until the soap water has cooled before use, as it will absorb into the floor more effectively.

NOTE! With, for example, a solid wood table, it is important to dampen both the top and underside surfaces, as the table may otherwise warp.